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  • BPC-157 (Body Protective Compound) Peptide, 1 vial, 5 mg/vial - Pharmaceutics BPC-157 (Body Protective Compound) Peptide, 1 vial, 5 mg/vial - Pharmaceutics

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BPC-157 (Body Protective Compound) Peptide, 1 vial, 5 mg/vial

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BPC-157 (Body Protective Compound) Peptide, 1 vial, 5 mg/vial
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BPC-157 (Body Protective Compound) Peptide - full and instant cell regeneration is still the science of the future, however, the first steps towards its achievement have already been made. Athletes like no one else point out the benefits of using BPC-157, an innovative 15 compund smart peptide from Nanox.


  • Helps Liver Diseases
  • Improves Cardiovascular System and Pancreas
  • Produces Anti-inflammatory Effect
  • Accelerates Wound Healing
  • Positive Effect On The Central Nervous System


100% Original from the Chinese Nanox.

Manufacturer and product photo may vary.

All packs are air tight sealed and expire up to 10.2027.


Research on BPC-157 has been on-going since 1991 and results thereof indicate that the peptide has the ability to repair damaged teeth, bones, muscles, tendons, and even intestines. This data is based on in-vitro lab tests as well as in-vivo studies conducted on both rodents and humans.

Scientists recognize BPC-157 as a &ldquostable gastric pentadecapeptide&rdquo, due to its ability to bring equilibrium to human gastric juice. It has also been shown to treat ulcers, heal inflammatory bowel disease as well as the upper and lower GI tract with remarkable efficiency. The best part is that BPC-157 doesn&rsquot come with any adverse side-effects!


Injections are done with insulin syringes. BPC-157 is injected under the skin or intramuscularly. A single dosage of this peptide is calculated based on the person's weight. As a rule 10 mcg of the drug per 1 kg of weight. Course duration varies from two to four weeks.


No side effects were observed during studies.

The MHRA and FDA has not evaluated or endorsed this product. Please consult your physician prior to using this or any other nutritional supplements or medications.


Up to +25С - up to 6 months.

+2 +8С - 2 years.

-18C and below - 3 years.

Keep away from direct sunlight. Keep locked and away from children.


Ask us any questions about BPC-157.

Additional Information

SKU rf356
The purpose of the medication Peptides
Weight kg. 0.03

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