Peptide complex for thyroid gland. Contains peptides — thyroid gland.
Honluten represents a complex of the short peptides contributing to normalization of liver and bronchial tube mucous membrane cells.
Peptide complex for skin. Contains peptides — vessels, cartilages, thymus, liver.
Peptide complex for kidneys and urinary bladder. Contains peptides — thymus, kidneys, urinary bladder.
Peptide complex for female reproductive system. Contains peptides — vessels, brain, thymus.
Peptide complex for stomach and duodenum. Contains peptides — pancreas, thymus, liver, stomach and duodenum mucosa.
Peptide complex for joints. Contains peptides — cartilages, thymus.
Complex of peptide fractions of the kidney parenchyma. Peptides possess selective action to kidney tissue cells, normalize metabolism.
Peptide complex for meteodependent and cardio parients. Contains peptides — vessels, brain, myocardium.
Complex of peptide fractions of the bronchial tubes mucous membrane. Peptides possess selective action to cells of bronchial tubes mucous membrane, normalize metabolism, increase their functional activity.
Peptide complex for bronchopulmonary system. Contains peptides — vessels, cartilages, thymus .
Complex of peptide fractions of the testicles. Peptides possess selective action to male reproductive system cells, increase functional activity and enhance mobility of spermatozoa.
Peptide complex for central and peripheral nervous system. Contains peptides
Complex of peptide fractions of the thyroid gland. Peptides possess selective action to thyroid glands cells, normalize metabolism in cells and regulate thyroid gland functions.