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Items 113 to 128 of 234 total

  1. Eye-Line Filler №3

    Eye-line active filler.

  2. M-Revitalizer

    To match desired level! 

  3. Revilab SL 04 — for musculoskeletal system

    Revilab SL 04 — contains peptides of

  4. Vesugen

    Vesugen represents a complex of short peptides, promoting restoration of tissues and normalization of functional condition of vessels.

  5. Peptide complex №7 — for pancreas

    Peptide complex for pancreas. Contains peptides — 

  6. Peptide complex №11 — for urinary system

    Peptide complex for urinary system. Contains peptides — vessels, thymus.

  7. Peptide complex №1 — for arteries and heart

    Peptide complex for arteries and heart. Contains peptides —

  8. Visoluten

    Complex of polypeptide fractions of the 

  9. Peptide complex №3 — for immune system

    Peptide complex for immune system. Contains peptides — thymus.

  10. Peptide complex №18 — for acoustic analyzer

    Peptide complex for acoustic analyzer. Contains peptides — vessels, cartilages, brain, thymus. 

  11. Chitomur

    Complex of peptide fractions of the urinary bladder. Peptides possess selective action to cells of urinary bladder walls, normalize metabolism and stimulate a muscular tone of detrusor or a sphincter.

  12. Cerluten

    Complex of peptide fractions of the brain. Peptides possess selective action to nervous tissue and brain cells, normalize metabolism in cells and regulate their functions.

  13. Peptide complex №14 — for veins

    Peptide complex for veins. Contains peptides — vessels.

  14. Peptide complex №9 — for male reproductive system

    Peptide complex for male reproductive system. Contains peptides — vessels, brain, liver. 

  15. Gotratix

    Complex of peptide fractions of the triceps. Peptides possess selective action to myocytes, normalize metabolism, increase their functional activity.


Items 113 to 128 of 234 total