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Payment is made by transfer to the seller's Bank account.

Possible payment methods

  • Fin do - Transfer money to the merchant's card Visa, Mastercard
  • TransferWise - For clients from all over the world, more than 40 currencies.
  • Western Union - Instant transfer to the merchant's account, supports multiple currencies, supports VISA Mastercard and bank transfer.
  • Bank transfer - Transfer in three currencies USD, EUR, GBP, support SWIFT IBAN/BIC code. Note! Payment processing takes 4-5 work days USD, 1-2 work days EUR, 1 work days GBP.
  • Skrill - For regular customers who are not buying for the first time (on request)
  • PAYMENT CRIPTOCURRENCY - Bitcoin Payment (10% discount)

These are the only ways to pay us, you must trust us, we do not want to deceive you.