Product catalog-Tea-Cytamins-НПЦРИЗ-Nanox-Vermodje
Tea for improvement of liver and biliary tract activity.
Tea for respiratory system activity normalization. Renders anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and expectorating effect.
Tea for smooth purification of organism from toxins.
Tea for normalization of stomach, duodenum and pancreas activity. Optimizes processes of digestive enzymes and insulin formation.
Tea for normalization of cardiovascular system activity.
Tea with immunomodulatory and anti-parasitic properties.
Tea for normalization of central nervous system activity.
Phytotea «Perfect shape» — perfect for shape correction and improvement of digestive tract activity.
Tea for normalization of urinary tract activity.
Phytotea «Perfect shape» — perfect for shape correction and improvement of digestive tract activity.
PANCRAMIN®, (Pancreas bioregulator) 155 mg/ tab, 40 tabs
SUPRENAMIN®, (Andrenal bioregulator) 155 mg/tab, 40 tabs
HONDRAMIN®, (Cartilage tissue regulator) 155mg/tab, 40 tabs
EPIPHAMIN® (Endocrine bioregulator) 155 mg/tab, 40 tabs
PROSTALAMIN®, (Prostate bioregulator) 155 mg/tab, 40 tabs
BRONCHALAMIN® (Bronchi bioregulator) 155 mg/tab, 40 tabs