Product catalog-HGH-Literature-Cytamins-Pfizer-GeneScience Pharmaceuticals-НПЦРИЗ-Vermodje-Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical
CEREBRAMIN® (Brain bioregulator) 155 mg/tab, 40 tabs
KORAMIN® (Heart bioregulator) 155 mg/tab, 40 tabs
GEPATAMIN®, (Liver bioregulator) 155mg/tab, 40 tabs
TIRAMIN®, (Thyroid bioregulator) 155 mg/tab, 40 tabs
VASALAMIN®, (Vessels bioregulator) 155 mg/tab, 40 tabs
TESTALAMIN®, (Sperm bioregulator) 155 mg/tab, 40 tabs
PROSTALAMIN®, (Prostate bioregulator) 155 mg/tab, 40 tabs
BRONCHALAMIN® (Bronchi bioregulator) 155 mg/tab, 40 tabs
OVARIAMIN®, (Ovaries bioregulator) 155 mg/tab, 40 tabs
SUPRENAMIN®, (Andrenal bioregulator) 155 mg/tab, 40 tabs
HONDRAMIN®, (Cartilage tissue regulator) 155mg/tab, 40 tabs
EPIPHAMIN® (Endocrine bioregulator) 155 mg/tab, 40 tabs
PANCRAMIN®, (Pancreas bioregulator) 155 mg/ tab, 40 tabs
This is Authentic JINTROPIN HGH from Russia . It is one of the most potent recombinant Human Growth Hormones with 191 amino acid
Catalog contains detailed description of the offered production and recommendations about use of peptide or non-peptide preparations.